Migration Services

DC Star can help you with the migration or physical relocation of your data center

The data center migration plan:
we move your IT equipment

Does the idea of moving your entire IT infrastructure to a different physical location scare you? Even though you know it is gradually becoming inevitable?

We understand that all too well. Even though we have more than enough experience, moving or migrating your data or servers to a (different) data center is never simple. Even something as simple as moving your servers to another server room can have unforeseen consequences. Both for internal and external traffic, with all its consequences.

Data migration

Data migration therefore requires a thorough analysis of the current situation, careful planning with a structured roadmap and flawless execution. Regardless of the amount of data or servers to be moved, the accuracy and attention that must accompany such a data migration remain unchanged.

However, DCStar is here to help you plan and implement a data center migration. You can call on and count on our experienced engineers to keep everything on track. We can even help determine if there are any alternative options that could save cost or time.

Leave the details to us

At DCStar, we know exactly what we are facing, where our attention should go and where the pitfalls are. So our experts will meticulously prepare the data center for shutdown, disassembly, physical relocation, reinstallation and reactivation.
You decide to what extent our team intervenes: you can leave everything to us or assign our team specific tasks that you would rather not perform yourself.

Or download our data migration guide

Are you facing a data center migration and want to make sure you have everything under control? Then use our data migration guide. It provides a clear roadmap on how to achieve a successful migration.

Avoid potential problems such as data loss, unnecessary downtime, exceeding budgets, etc. by thoroughly preparing and carefully implementing a plan.

DCStar has the necessary experience with server and data center migration and has the experts in-house who can guide you from start to finish. Regardless of the number of servers that need to be moved, in the data migration guide you will find a checklist for a successful data center migration, based on the experiences of our engineers. 


Download our free data migration guide and find out what you need to do to make your data center migration a success!

Certificaten & Lidmaatschappen

Our data centers have received numerous certificates and are proud members of The Green Grid and signatories to the European Code of Conduct for Data Centers.